Patch Notes - 1/22/2020



iRO Transcendence Weekly Maintenance

January 22nd, 2:00PM - 6:00PM PDT




• Cleaned Up Rogue Job Change quest

• Added Desocketing NPC that attempts to remove cards from equipment for a zeny or cash shop cost

• Added Costume Box VIII: Spoopy Spectre to the Kafra Shop

• Added Costume Box IX: Spooptacular to the Kafra Shop

• Added Costume Box X: Dreamland to the Kafra Shop

• Added Shopping Catalog NPC to allow searching for items currently being vended

• Added Geek Glasses to an Alberta merchant (alberta_in 183 96)

• Adjusted pet auto-feeding to work with all pets instead of only evolved pets

• Adjusted dungeon spawn tables to redistribute mob locations

• Fixed Familiar from hitting harder than intended

• Fixed Sleeper/Pasana to drop their proper weapons

• Fixed job skill quest scripts to clean up the dialogue

• Fixed Omni Cloth Dyer NPCDinorah Lacostt, to properly accept coupons

• Removed Holiday Music in cities and reverted it back to original

• Disabled Polymorphing mobs through cards and skills



• World's First Event continues!


-- Prizes will be given to the first players that reach certain achievements!




• Pre-Registration Prizes: If you pre-registered for the game, you can still claim your prizes at Code the Redeemer by Prontera Fountain! 

• Extra Life 2019 Donation Prizes: If you donated to Extra Life in 2019 to receive prizes on Ragnarok Online, you are eligible to receive them on Transcendence as well!

• Tune into our livestream of Crazy Uproar!! over at!