Patch Notes - 7/23/2020

RT Maintenance July

July 23rd, 2:00PM - 6:00PM PDT

Regarding the EAC update, the build sent to us was causing zones to not load properly during testing. We have sent the errors back to the studio. The errors are not directly related to EAC, but instead from other improvements from the upcoming update. We will be rescheduling the update soon.


• Added Muffs Loan's Quest
• Added Broken Diamond Quest
• Added Farrah NPC
-- Prices are as follows:
---- Gold: 33 Witch Starsand
---- Treasure Box: 50 Witch Starsand
---- These rates can be revisited in the future
• Added Rollback Compensation
-- 1 Day VIP Added
-- Mesmerist Flag is reset
-- EXP Bonus is set to +100 EXP +50% drops for 1 week
4th of July Bonus EXP ends
Homunculus Loyalty Event ends



Unity Project
Our Anniversary Event "Unity Project" continues!
• Speak with Gramps and Piles in Izlude for more information!

Journey Together
Our Novice Quest "A Journey Together" continues!
• To get started, head on over to Archer Village (pay_arche 49 138)

Skill Balance Update
Experience a new adventure with the Skill Balance Update!
• You can get a partial stat reset from Sam Status in Payon (186, 109)

Homeward Bound
Our Homeward Bound Event has been extended (Ending date is to be determined)!
• Enjoy a bonus +50% EXP and +25% Drops as you stay indoors and keep safe!

Frenzy Fields
The first set of Frenzy Fields are now open!
• Eliminate monsters on certain maps to unlock stronger monsters with rare and unique loot!

Guild vs Guild wars will begin in the War of Emperium!
• Think your guild has what it takes to be the best in PvP? Prepare yourself as you fight with your guild for ownership of guild castles and daily treasures!



• Our Crazy Uproar!! livestream has been postponed! Please read here for more information.
Did you know?
-- The use of grf edits such as "grayworld" is prohibited
-- We do not recruit players to be GMs